Burgos Street

Stuff about the infamous street named after Padre Burgos. It is the prime nightlife spot of Makati City.


Except for New Year’s eve Burgos Street is rather safe even at night. Just run into Stardustr bar if you hear loud fire works. That place has some cool shows to calm you down.

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Billboard Bar

One of the most popular bars on Makati’s night Mile: Billboard. On top of GRO entertainers and agogo dancers, there…

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Mascara Bar

One of the best managed pool of talents. The mamasan has her ducks in the row and she makes sure they have a chesty presence behind the curtains.

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First Barhop: Dimples Bar

It’s pretty dark in this place with the exception of the well-lit bar. If you were coming from Oxford Suites it was most likely your first stop on your initial nightout.

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