They started out as a website named Honeydolls with 7 private chat booths where customers could chat with Filipina women like with call center office ladies for free current Honeydolls site is a different formula. Upon request and payment of a small fee office girls dressed in Asian schoolgirl uniforms would go on stage for pole dancing or inside a private booth where they performed private chat that included very sexy views. Cut. This was all from one and the same cyber sex den in Angeles City, Philippines, a city known for vibrant adult nightlife with strip clubs, brothels, gogo bars and massage parlors. This same studio grew to 30 performers and they created Asian Babe Cams. Once they invited other studios to join they had grown to be the largest Filipina webcam site online within a year – hosting way more than 100 performers at any given time and peaking into numbers of around 400 chat girls at most busy rush hour.
The concept is pretty easy. Browse online performers or search in categories like couples, lesbian or transsexuals and the open free chat. See what they look like on their profile page and do free video chat. If you like them, create a free account and load it with any amount from 20 US$ and up. Since most performers work on 99 Cent a minute rates, this will buy at least 20 minutes of chat time. That’s about the same length of a porn movie scene, but here at Asian Babe Cams you are producer, director and viewer at the same time. While you are loacted in your own home walls, the Philippine ladies are from Quezon City, Olongapo or Davao. If you don’t like what you see, just close chat and you keep your remaining credits for another session.

Private Chat and Voyeur Mode
I like Babecams for two reasons: 1) voyeur chat and 2) setting up sex dates. Every time a performer is in a private chat with another customer she is most likely engaged in the middle of an act. As a voyeur I can watch that without the need to interact and text chat. I can just lean back and watch her show. Setting up dates for travels to the Philippines is another great thing. Many online girls were used to work as bargirls and are more than happy to meet up with nice guys. However, you do need to spend money on private chat with them to get their phone numbers. Maybe 200 bucks for a performer will do the trick. Not such a big deal since a hooker in a Nevada brothel will charge 350 USD for just holding your hand 30 minutes. It has become more difficult to setup sex dates with girls from Filipino chat sites because they are afraid to loose their job as this is actually against the sites’ policy and they are not allowed to forward contact information. You can still try. I heard of guys who got married to cam girls from Manila and Cebu. It’s possible.
Alternative Read: Asian Babe Cams Review
How to find good performers
Many Manila chat girls are good performers. Some will go out their way to entertain, while others will try to talk and talk and talk and until they open their blouse your credits have vanished. One way to check Pinay chat girls is to view their profile pages. When they reveal images from live chat sessions that show skin, they are probably game. When they are all dressed or look like a different person, it should serve as a red flag. Personal sympathy between both parties needs to be right. Treat the Asian girls nice and they will be nice to you, but your mileage might vary. They are just humans and might have a bad day in Davao or Puerto Galera.
Sex Chat for 99 Cents
For 99 Cents per minute, Babe Cams from the Philippines offers some of the cheapest online pussy. Lots of hosts and a great number of Pinoy couples that will do Cebu blowjobs and perform online sex, sometimes including anal and facial cumshots. Just say ‘tamud sa mukha’ (“finish on her face” in Tagalog) and you will get a nice coconut cream climax.
ABC has upgraded to a new platform and is much faster. It also works on mobile phones, now.